Introducing Kaela Alba
May 10, 2022
This month, we’re excited to continue our Team Member Spotlight series with Kaela Alba! Kaela is our administrative assistant, and she helps our team stay organized by preparing documents for client meetings, updating client files, managing our advisors’ schedules, and in general, making sure everything at our firm runs smoothly.
She comes to us from the great state of Oregon (although she’s a California native and has a fierce love for coffee, so she fits right in with us). We know you’re excited to get to know her, so without further ado…
Kaela, what brought you to the TriaGen team?
I worked at a bank previously, and for some time, I’ve been interested in becoming a financial advisor. When I heard about this position, it seemed like a good stepping stone (it also seemed too good to be true!). I applied, and I interviewed the day before I moved back to Northridge from Oregon.
What inspired you to enter the financial industry?
I was raised by my grandmother, and she worked in finance her entire career. She and I think very similarly, so I shadowed her and her boss when I was younger. From that point, I knew I wanted to be in the financial industry. I did my own research and discovered advising, which seemed more in line with my personality and goals. I have a lot to learn, but I love that things in this field are constantly changing; there’s always something new to learn.
What’s something about this role you’re looking forward to?
One day, I hope to get my licenses and help with the planning side of things. I’ve always loved planning, and I want to help people make their money work for them.
Who inspires you?
Definitely my grandmother—she didn’t have an easy childhood, but she made it work. She never relied on anyone but herself and I learned that from her. She helped me grow into the independent person I’ve become, and I really appreciate her and everything she’s done for me.
What’s something others might not know about you?
I was a dancer all through middle school and high school; that’s my creative outlet. I haven’t danced much recently because of other time commitments (like attending college and moving). I used to choreograph dances, too.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a chef. I still love cooking and trying new recipes. It’s very creative, getting to make a dish your own. I typically go for comfort foods—my favorite meal to make is chicken parmesan casserole topped with bread crumbs.
If you could go back in time to give yourself advice, what age would you choose and why?
I would tell my ten-year-old self, “It’s never going to be as hard as you think it is in the moment.” It all works out in the end.
What makes you laugh?
I’m a fairly giggly person, so a lot of things make me laugh! My boyfriend says he was born to be a 40-year-old man, and his “dad joke” humor makes me laugh a lot.
What’s your favorite way to spend a free Saturday?
It depends on my mood. Some days I want to lie in bed curled up with a cup of coffee and a TV show. Other times, I like to hike or go to the beach and get some fresh air and sunshine.
If you could eat just one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
There’s a really good taco truck around the corner from my apartment. It would be those tacos. (Carne asada with onions, cilantro, and their salsa verde.) California Mexican food is something I missed when I was in Oregon!
If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
It would have to be one of the Harry Potter movies. Probably the first one. It reminds me of my childhood—the Christmas scene in the Great Hall; everything is so warm and cozy!
What is one household item you cannot live without?
A coffee maker!
We probably don’t need to ask, but… coffee or tea?
Absolutely coffee—with a little bit of creamer.
Dogs or cats?
I like both for different reasons. My grandma had a lot of cats growing up, so I have good memories about them; plus, they’re very independent—you can leave a cat for a weekend with a clean litter box, food, and water, and they’re fine. But dogs act like your best friend!
Kaela, we know you’re glad to be back in the Golden State, and we’re glad to have you here. Thanks for giving us a peek into your life outside the office!
For more information about our team, you can visit our team page, and follow our blog for financial news, planning concepts, and our next Team Member Spotlight.